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Ready to transform your business (and actually enjoy the process)?

Hey there! 👋 I'm Marci Rossi, the business strategist for small business owners who are all in on their passion but hitting roadblocks when it comes to scaling up.


You love what you do, but let's face it—running a business can feel like you're drowning in 'shoulds' and endless to-do lists.

If you’re done with feeling overwhelmed and want a clear, actionable plan to get back to what you love (while watching your business take off), you're exactly where you need to be.

It's time to stop spinning your wheels and start making real, impactful progress.

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Picture this...

You wake up on a Monday morning, and instead of that familiar pit of anxiety in your stomach, you feel… excited. Your business is no longer a chaotic to-do list that never seems to get shorter. It’s a well-organized, thriving entity that runs with purpose and direction. You’re finally in control, making decisions with clarity and confidence, knowing exactly where you’re headed.

You’ve ditched the overwhelm and the constant feeling of being behind. Instead of scrambling to keep up, you’re setting the pace. Your days are filled with meaningful work—work that you’re passionate about, work that actually moves the needle. You’re not just getting by; you’re growing, scaling, and thriving.

And as a result?

Your revenue?
Consistent and growing.

You’ve put an end to the feast-or-famine cycle. No more sleepless nights worrying about where the next client will come from or if you’ll hit your financial goals this month. Finally, you’ve got a strategy that works, bringing in clients who value what you offer and are happy to pay for it. You’re finally charging what you’re worth—and your bank account shows it.

Your confidence?

You’ve let go of the imposter syndrome that’s been holding you back. You know your worth, and you’re not afraid to show up, speak up, and take up space. You’re no longer following the crowd or chasing trends; you’ve found your unique voice and are leading with it. You’re making bold moves and seeing them pay off in ways you never thought possible.

Your time?
Finally your own.

Gone are the 12-hour days that left you drained and questioning why you started this business in the first place. You’ve set boundaries, streamlined your operations, and delegated tasks that used to eat up your day. Now, you spend your evenings with your family, enjoying hobbies, or simply relaxing without the guilt.

Your business?
A reflection of you.

You’ve built something that not only supports you financially but also aligns with your values and passions. Your business isn’t just surviving—it’s thriving, and so are you. You’re attracting the right clients, making a real impact, and feeling deeply fulfilled in what you do.

This isn’t just a dream—it’s what happens when you decide to invest in yourself and your business.

When you commit to growth, both personally and professionally, the possibilities are endless. You’re not just building a business; you’re creating a life you love, on your terms.

Are you ready to turn this vision into your reality?


3-Month Business Growth
Coaching Package

Your Roadmap to Building a Thriving Business (Without Losing Your Sanity)

Sober Coach Marci Rossi on chair


Deep Dive Business Audit

Think of this as your business’s full-body scan. We’ll start off by dissecting your operations, finances, marketing strategies—every nook and cranny. The goal? To uncover hidden opportunities, streamline your processes, and get your business running smoothly, setting you up for killer growth.

Bi-Weekly Power Sessions

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill meetings where you leave wondering what the hell just happened and what you're supposed to do next. Instead, we're diving deep into your strategy, cutting through the noise, and getting shit done. Each session is designed to tackle your biggest pain points, provide clear direction, and set you up for massive success. We're not here to waste time—we're here to make things happen.

Unlimited Messaging Between Sessions

Got a question at 2 AM? Need a quick sanity check before you hit publish? I'm here for you. Unlimited messaging means you're never stuck, always supported, and constantly moving forward. Because let's be real—running a business doesn't stop between calls, and neither should your support.


BONUS: Abundance Accelerator Masterclass

Buh-bye money blocks! This masterclass is your ticket to smashing through limiting beliefs and transforming your financial future. Let’s turn those old money stories into a powerhouse of wealth-building strategies that will fuel your business growth and personal freedom.

What Clients Say

Client testimonial for Marci Rossi

Shobha D.

"I cannot recommend Marci enough! Her insightful guidance and expertise has been transformational. She has a remarkable ability to understand individual needs, tailor strategies, and offer practical solutions. Her dedication and support has been instrumental in my achieving both personal growth and better business understanding. I'm so grateful for her invaluable mentorship, and leave each session feeling lighter and stronger. I wholeheartedly recommend Marci to anyone seeking impactful guidance and growth.

This is for you if...

You’re passionate about what you do but overwhelmed by the day-to-day grind. You started your business to do what you love, not to get bogged down in the business side of things.

You believe in the value of your product or service, but strategy? Not your thing. You want a clear, actionable plan that works, without the guesswork.

You’re tired of the social media noise and want a no-nonsense, effective approach. Enough with the “you should be doing this” advice—let’s focus on what actually works for you.

You’re ready to think outside the box and find new ways to succeed. Cookie-cutter approaches? Not here. I'm all about creativity, innovation, and practical solutions.

This is not for you if...

You're not interested in honest, straightforward feedback. If you’re looking for someone to sugar-coat things or give you the “feel-good” version, I'm not your girl.

You prefer to stick with the status quo. If you're not open to new ideas and approaches, this isn't the right fit.

You're looking for spiritual or woo-woo solutions. I'm all about practical, real-world strategies here—no fluff, no BS.

You're not ready to invest time and effort into transforming your business. New ideas are great, but coaching only works if you're prepared to roll up your sleeves and do the work to implement them.

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Hey there, I'm Marci

I'm a 5x certified coach who helps small business owners transform their businesses and reclaim their lives. I’m here for the accidental CEOs who started with a passion for what they do but find the whole running-a-business thing overwhelming. ​Fortunately, you don’t have to love the business side of things (like I do!) to build something successful and fulfilling.


I’m all about real talk, practical strategies, and fierce empowerment. No sugar-coating, just straightforward, actionable support to help you grow.​ Together, we’ll turn your business challenges into opportunities for growth and freedom.


I can’t wait to support you in creating a business that not only thrives but also gives you the life you’ve been dreaming of!

How We'll Make Magic Happen

When you sign up for the 3-Month Business Growth Coaching Package, you’re not just getting a plan—you’re getting a partnership. Here’s how we’ll work together to create the transformation you’ve been dreaming of:


Deep Dive Business Audit

We start with a powerful deep dive into your business to uncover what’s working, what’s not, and where the biggest opportunities lie. Think of this as setting the foundation for everything we’re about to build. We’ll get crystal clear on your goals and map out the path to get you there.


Bi-Weekly Power Sessions

Every two weeks, we’ll connect for a focused, action-driven session. These aren’t just check-ins; they’re strategic dives designed to push you forward. We’ll tackle your most pressing challenges, brainstorm innovative solutions, and make sure you’re always moving toward your goals.


On-Demand Support

Business doesn’t wait, so you shouldn't have to either. Between sessions, you have direct access to me via messaging. Whether you need quick advice, a sanity check, or just a bit of encouragement, I’m here to keep you on track and moving forward.


Game-Changing Bonuses and Surprises

You’re not just getting coaching sessions; you’re getting an experience. Alongside the BONUS Abundance Accelerator Masterclass to help you break through money blocks, I’ll be sprinkling in some surprise resources and tools throughout our time together—little boosts to keep your momentum strong and your excitement high.


Continuous Momentum

Our work together doesn’t end with the last session. You’ll walk away with a clear, actionable plan to keep your business thriving long after our time together. Plus, you’ll have the skills and confidence to tackle whatever comes next with ease.

Ready to take your business to new heights?

When you invest in the 3-Month Business Growth Coaching Package, you’re not just signing up for coaching—you’re securing your path to a thriving business and a more balanced, fulfilling life. Here’s everything you’ll receive:

Deep Dive Business Audit ($297 value)

Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls ($1200 value)

On-Demand Support ($2000 value)

BONUS: Abundance Accelerator Masterclass ($247 value)



Apply Now
  • What if I'm not ready to quit drinking?
    This program is designed to help you explore your relationship with alcohol to better understand your behaviors before you attempt to change them. Only then will you make the decision that’s right for you, whether that’s to moderate or stop drinking altogether. ​ That's right—there's no expectation that you quit drinking on day 1 of the program; that would require willpower. I don't want you to rely on willpower because it's limited. Instead, we focus on your mindset so that the behavior change follows naturally.
  • Is there a refund policy?
    Yep! I want you to feel confident in your purchase. Your success is my #1 priority, so if it isn't working out with me, I want you to be able to find the support that will get you there. That's why I offer my Happiness Guarantee.
  • How long will it take me to complete the course?
    Each day, you get one new short but powerful lesson for a total of 30 lessons. It's up to you whether you want to engage with the course daily, or binge a whole bunch at one time! You also have lifetime access to the course, so you can revisit lessons when you need a refresher.
  • Is this like AA?
    Nope! There are no groups, there's no surrendering to a higher power because I fully believe that YOU have the power to make lasting changes all on your own, and there are no chips because I don't care about how many days it has been since your last drink—I care about how you FEEL about alcohol.
  • What if I have more questions?
    Reach out to me on Instagram! You can find me @CoachMarciRossi - I'm here to answer any questions you have and help you decide if this program is right for you.
  • How much time will I need to commit?
    We'll meet every two weeks for our power sessions, but the real magic happens in between. You’ll need to dedicate some time to implement the strategies we discuss, but remember—you’re in this to make your life easier, not busier. I’ll help you prioritize and manage your time so that you’re working smarter, not harder.
  • Do you offer payment plans?
    Absolutely! You can choose between a pay-in-full option and save, or spread out your investment over three or more payments. I want to make this as accessible as possible for those who are ready to take action and invest in themselves and their business.
  • What kind of results can I expect?
    Results depend on your commitment, but here’s the deal: we’re not here to play small. Clients who dive in and put in the work have seen everything from best-ever sales months to higher ROI on marketing strategies to finally feeling in control of their business (and their life). I’m talking real, tangible progress, not fluffy dreams.
  • Do you offer refunds or a money-back guarantee?
    I no longer offer refunds on my coaching packages, and here’s why: real transformation requires you to be all in—no half-measures, no one foot out the door. When you’re on the fence, it’s easy to back out when things get tough. But here’s the truth: those tough moments? That’s where the magic happens. That’s where real growth kicks in. I believe in your potential, and I’m fully committed to helping you unlock it. This journey isn’t just about getting results; it’s about becoming the business owner you’ve always known you could be. When you decide to invest in this program, you’re not just buying a service—you’re making a promise to yourself that you’re ready to step up, face the challenges head-on, and create the success you deserve. And I’ll be with you every step of the way. If you hit a roadblock, we’ll push through it together. If doubts creep in, I’ll be there to remind you of your power. This isn’t just a transaction; it’s a partnership, and I’m all in with you. I believe that the best results come from going all-in on your dreams. If you’re ready to make that same commitment, I promise you’ll come out the other side stronger, more confident, and with a business that reflects the powerhouse you truly are.
  • Do I need to have my business fully established before I join?
    Nope! Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been at it for years, this program is designed to meet you where you’re at. We’ll focus on what you need right now to build or scale your business, and I’ll make sure you’ve got a solid foundation to grow from. In fact, if you don't already have an established business, I can help you get it off the ground with my done-for-you startup services. If you want to know more about what I offer, send me a message!
  • How quickly will I see results?
    Good things take time, and real transformation doesn’t happen overnight. That said, you’ll start seeing shifts as we dig in—whether that’s in your mindset, your strategy, or how you approach your business. If something isn’t clicking, we’ll adjust and keep moving forward. I’m with you every step of the way.
  • What if I have more questions?
    Book a call with me. I'm here to answer any questions you have and help you decide if my private coaching program is right for you.
  • Is this like therapy?
    Nope! Coaching is about the PRESENT and the FUTURE: what are your goals, what's keeping you from achieving them, and what do you want going forward. It centers on the beliefs you hold about alcohol—and yourself—that are holding you back and exploring new perspectives that can help you move forward. Therapy or counseling helps you work through or heal issues from your PAST that are causing problems in the present. Some examples include trauma, abuse, or anything that involves a clinical diagnosis. If you need support in this area, I encourage you to find someone licensed to handle such things.
  • Is there a refund policy?
    Yep! I want you to feel confident in your purchase. Your success is my #1 priority, so if it isn't working out with me, I want you to be able to find the support that will get you there. That's why I offer my Happiness Guarantee.
  • What if I'm not ready to quit drinking?
    This coaching program is designed to help you explore your relationship with alcohol to better understand your behaviors before you attempt to change them. Only then will you make the decision that’s right for you, whether that’s to moderate or stop drinking altogether. ​ That's right—there's no expectation that you quit drinking on day 1 of the program; that would require willpower. I don't want you to rely on willpower because it's limited. Instead, we focus on your mindset so that the behavior change follows naturally.
  • Is this like AA?
    Nope! There are no groups, there's no surrendering to a higher power because I fully believe that YOU have the power to make lasting changes all on your own, and there are no chips because I don't care about how many days it has been since your last drink—I care about how you FEEL about alcohol.
  • What happens after I apply?
    We will hop on a brief call so that I can answer any questions you might have. If it looks like we will be a good fit, you will then be invited to join my coaching program. Then, once you finalize your purchase, it's time to get this party started!
  • How will this fit into my schedule?
    I understand that you have a busy life, which is why I've designed this coaching program to be flexible and convenient. This means you can fit coaching sessions into your schedule without having to sacrifice other important commitments. Additionally, with 1-on-1 coaching, you can often achieve faster results than you would with group coaching or self-help programs. This is because you'll receive more personalized attention and support, which can help you overcome obstacles more quickly and make progress faster.

Got questions? I've got answers...


Let's do this thing!

You’ve got the passion, you’ve got the drive—now let’s get you the strategy and support to match.

Ready to take the next step? Click below, and let’s make it happen.

Not ready for a long-term commitment?

Totally understandable—sometimes, you just need a quick win.


My 90-minute intensive session is designed for exactly that. We’ll zero in on your biggest challenge and create a rock-solid, actionable plan to overcome it. Whether it’s a marketing dilemma, a strategy roadblock, or just getting clarity on your next steps, this session is designed to give you the breakthrough you need.


You have a specific issue that’s been nagging at you and need expert guidance to resolve it.

You’re looking for actionable advice and practical steps you can implement immediately.

You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and dive deep into one problem area to find a solution.

Ready to solve that one big problem?

Let’s get to work and turn your challenge into an opportunity for growth. Book your 90-minute intensive today and take the first step toward a more successful, stress-free business!


Slide into my DM

Hey, I get it—investing in your business is a big deal. If you're on the fence or need more info, slide into my DMs, and let's talk it through.


Whether you're curious about the coaching package or just want to make sure this is the right fit for you, I’m here to help you get the clarity you need.



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